Sunday, May 3, 2015


Good Sunday! Being about the only living human on the ranch is no fun. Even Lady, the ranch dog and Scott's constant companion, wasn't on the front porch waiting for Scott to come home. That's because she was hit by a train last week. It has been very sad for all of us but especially Scott. All he needs is a worthless wife and no dog! Don't know why but I am having trouble seeing tonight - that usually comes with the headache but gratefully it has been a day without that. After grilling Scott on every little thing that happened at church today, guess he really isn't asleep through most of Sacrament meeting, we went out for a walk. I'm good for a whopping ten minutes. Everything I read says how important 30 minutes of exercise a day is for cancer patients so I've got a ways to go. It's just that feeling of general weakness that I need to overcome, along with a few other things. Got to visit with some of my wonderful grandkids who came to the fence to talk to us and make sure I really am alive! It was so good to visit with Melia, Megan, Joe and Hannah and little Owen. What a blessing it is to live surrounded by family!

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