Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Such a good day. Last of the two worst chemos is over - of course having the chemo treatment is nothing compared to the week ahead! I have been able to let myself realize that this probably isn't the last time I will have chemo treatments unless I die in a quick deadly car accident, or am murdered in a home invasion by some guy with a black hoodie, or I could go on and on but my kids don't find those ideas to be very funny! So I gathered up the sheets off the bed knowing I won't feel like doing it this week. Grabbed my wig; stuffed the sheets in the washer. Then went through the house wondering where I had left the wig. The awful realization that it was probably in the washer with the sheets hit a little too late. Synthetic hair can only be cleaned using a special cleaner. Panic struck as I fished it out of the washer, looking like a drowned muskrat, and I had three hours before leaving for the doctor. You can't dry synthetic hair with a hair dryer so it was a bit damp but it rained so hard all the way to Ogden I figured everyone would just assume I had been pelted by the pounding rainfall. And at this point, as Hillary would say, "what does it matter anyway". The best thing today was my Eli coming home! How we love her and Chris and Sophie, Lila, and Colton. It seems so long since we have seen them. I know it has been difficult for her to be away during this cancer stuff but they will be here for awhile before going to Farmington, New Mexico. We are so grateful they will be closer. The next round of chemo will start in 14 days and will only take an hour instead of three. Three weeks every Tuesday with the fourth week off for twelve infusions means it will not be finished until the end of September. Now that seems like an eternity! On the brighter side two months of the hardest chemos are over.

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