Saturday, November 7, 2015


I am still in shock about the cancer not spreading- still wonder if they had the wrong scan or they will tell me something different when I see Dr. Hansen in another two weeks. To clarify - The cancer has not spread from where it was found. They did not get it all in that area but hope the radiation will do that. The important thing is to enjoy every day because none of us know when our time on earth is over. That became even more clear with Scott's incident up on the mountain. Thank Heaven he is still here! Shut in the house with no visitors or little kids messes is not the way I am going to live the rest of my life! Being careful about germs, etc, will probably be an issue through radiation but I can do that. Isn't it amazing how many things we don't know?? I couldn't figure out why the reading glasses weren't working. I knew my distance vision came and went but thought I needed stronger lenses. Finally got out to Sam's Club and used their test lenses, only to find the ones I was using were too strong! According to my dentist son-in-law, vision comes and goes with Dry Eye Syndrome. Just grateful it comes once in a while!! All in all, I am feeling much better. A bit startled at times by the bra and breast forms issues. Just so you know in case you ever need the info: breast forms run from $350 to $450 and up a piece. I'm surely not healed enough to wear them all day; they are heavy! Should be for that kind of money. But you can choose any size and more than one for different occasions... Could be a plus. I'm just going for the non-concave look!


  1. Kathy, I am so happy for your good news! You and your family are continually in our prayers. Sending love, Sarah Gunell

  2. Kathy you had the faith and prayers of is no surprise to me.... What a testimony builder....hugs and kisses
