Monday, November 23, 2015


It's interesting to think that I see the radiation staff at the hospital more often than I see my family here on the ranch. However I think they will be happy to see the end of my treatment after I scared the nurse taking my blood pressure to death by squealing. Probably only my family knows that I am a squealer - it doesn't matter what the occasion is - happy, sad, you name it. Normally in radiation you just go in, go back to the dressing room, put on their weird little top and they are there to take you into the radiation room. So I was surprised when they took me in to take my blood pressure, etc. From the beginning of breast cancer surgery you are told to be sure nothing is done on the arm the lymph nodes are removed from. Nothing tight on that arm, no blood drawn from that arm, etc. So when the nurse sat me down and pulled out the blood pressure cuff I didn't even think until the cuff started to tighten on my arm and then I realized it was my bad arm. So of course, I squealed. She got this horrified look on her face and her eyes were as big as dollars. She couldn't imagine what had happened but knew it must be bad! "Take that off my arm right now!" "What on earth is the matter?" I know she thought that I had lost it completely. It is difficult to remember not to do normal things with that arm because there is no pain involved. But I certainly need to control myself!! Jamie was asked to speak on prayer on Sunday. We were at her house having a birthday lunch for Kelsey. She was asking if anyone had any ideas or stories. As I listened to the girls the reality of how important prayers have been in my life just overwhelmed me. I believe that I am alive because of the prayers of so many others; because many friends have put my name on temple prayer rolls; because my children and precious grandchildren constantly pray for me. I whole heartedly believe in the power of prayer!

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