Wednesday, October 7, 2015


It almost feels like a normal day of what life used to be - and that's great! Even put some mascara on the two eyelashes I have left so my face doesn't look like a death mask! Life is so full of joy if you ignore that is going on in the world that is.. Waiting for Scott to come home and drain my three lovely bottles that contain blood and who knows what! I would do it myself but heaven only knows if I would get the right tube to the right bottle and drain it into the right container to measure, and then record the right amount totals. Do you think this is a permanent condition? Sure hope not cause Scott will have to lead me around with a leash. I have always felt I'm not very competent but now I know I am totally incompetent! Keep waiting for the chemo side effects to go away but they are very loyal to the misery cause. Now it feels like 50 lb breasts pulling down, stinging and sending sharp pains that you would swear there was something there besides two very long incisions. The great thing is it will heal!! I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and she should have the results of the lymph node biopsies. What an experience this is that will allow me to understand and help someone else. It's been such a beautiful day!

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