Monday, October 26, 2015


Why is it that when you are busy exercising one fly can't seem to find anywhere in the entire room to land but on your face?? Of course these exercises are done lying on the bed stretching your arms so they will function normally again. We're getting there!! It has been a few days of not blogging but I'm just a slacker. Saw the surgeon this morning and she said it would be two more weeks before she would release me for radiation. Which works out well since I will probably get started on the chemo next week. It must be easier chemo to deal with since it is a lifelong treatment. No wonder Dr. Garvy told me to go ahead and do anything I want to do - she knew I wouldn't feel like doing much! But she also said my body would be a wreck with all it has gone through. That's funny because it was a wreck before we even started with cancer... The weird thing is that anything that lightly touches your chest, above the surgical area, hurts; but you can put more pressure against it and it doesn't hurt at all. Every day I am so grateful to have family and friends that support and pray for us! When I pray for strength to make it through difficult times, I know that strength comes from your prayers for me and my family. Thank you so much!

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