Thursday, July 30, 2015


Well this morning my plants needed to be watered. I have those planters that water from the bottom and one of them has not flourished like the others. Even worse it reeked like something was rotten. With my chemo brain and body I couldn't quite figure out or have the energy to investigate. Felt good this morning so got the shovel and pulled out the plants and shoveled out most of the soil. To be fair - it is big and heavy when there is water in it. So finally got most of the dirt out and started across the yard with the pot half full of stinking rotten water only to feel my levis slipping down. Tried to take another step and tripped on my falling down pants. What to do?? I let go of the pot in order to pull up my pants and ended up covered with the stinky, murky water from the pot. Just so glad none of the neighbors were outside! They already think I'm crazy..... Starting to get blisters on my hands and feet. I'm wondering just how many body parts chemo can effect. My ears - the only ones! But then I actually think I can hear better than I used to. Sometimes that's a good thing!

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