Sunday, December 27, 2015


Wondering why I feel so disconnected from everything.. Just could be because I have lived that kind of a life for the last 10 months, or medication, or extreme fatigue, or side effects from treatments; or who knows.. Maybe it's just part of the whole cancer experience. Then I think about people who have lived their entire lives with illness and handicaps and marvel at their tenacity. I know how blessed I have been though. I have known miracles during this time that could only have come to me because of the faith and prayers of my family and friends and the grace of God. The good thing is I am starting the last phase of the treatment. Five years to life - sounds like a jail sentence doesn't it?! Life with it's many ups and downs are gifts to us, chosen for each of us to learn and grow. I just hope that I am learning and becoming a better person!!

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