Sunday, June 28, 2015


This is what happens when you stay home from church: By noon I was feeling the burning sensation in different parts of my body; mouth sores and achiness all over so made it to the futon in the office before collapsing on the bed. What a welcome relief it was just to stretch out. I was in that state beween sleep and wakefulness when I suddenly hear this kind of scratcy sound on the pillow under my head. In seconds I had jumped up knowing in my grogy mind that a mouse was about to run across my face! My heart was pounding as I looked around the room and pulled the pillow and covers off the futon. No sign of a rodent of any kind. It was so real to me that I still don't know where the truth lies! Will be so happy to be back in church on Sundays. Somedays it's a matter of counting the hours until nighttime so you know another day will be over - other days you can work most of the day - or at least the morning. I am just gateful to be as well as I am! It is a blessing not to have to be out in the hot sun. And what a blessing it is to be surrounded by a loving, caring family and wonderful friends. I am so very blessed! And I won't be sleeping on the futon for a very long time!

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