Thursday, June 25, 2015


Halleluiah - my chemo is half over and I get a week off next week! I have been Reading Carlfred Broderick's book on the uses of adversity where he states "The gospel of Jesus Christ is not insurance against pain. It is a resource in event of pain." So true for all of us as we struggle through life's many challenges. Speaking of challenges, I was outside watering with Keira, Miya, and Kimber when Lance. Ethan, and Jared rode up on their bikes. Instantly, and almost in unison I hear, "Grandma, did you know you have your pants on backwards?" No wonder I couldn't find the pocket in the back to put my phone in! To be fair, they don't have a zipper button closure. Do you think they have a treatment for chemo brain? I'm just not sure which is chemo brain and which is Kathy brain. I am doing well in the mornings then start aching in the afternoons. It is great to have that time in the morning to get some things done. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers, cards and food - I know they have made such a difference in my life.

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