Saturday, September 12, 2015


Well I had decided to get up early and go to Sam's Club. No one is there between 7:00 and 8:00 am. Imposing on everyone else to shop for me for six months now, even though they never complain, must be getting old for them! I thought shopping for myself would be a welcome break for all of us. And it was for about half an hour. Soon after that it wasn't me pushing the cart - it was the cart pulling me! Probably should have known it was going to be that kind of a day when I decided to put on some makeup so people wouldn't think I was dying and couldn't find more than five eyelashes total to put mascara on. And that didn't help much as the cashier reminded me a couple of times to "be careful and drive safely" as she saw me drooping over the cart. Just had to laugh! One more treatment next week and I should be ready for surgery in October. Maybe that will be my birthday present! My sister, who has had a bilateral mastectomy, just had open heart surgery. Her first barely coherent words to me were "boobs are a piece of cake". We all love her and hope she will be up and around - without pain - soon!

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